Friday, June 19, 2015

Accountable Talk even in Early Childhood Classrooms

It's been so fun giving PDs for the last two weeks!! We've had so much fun laughing, thinking together, and working on mapping for next year. I'm missing more and more the idea of not setting up a classroom of my own this year. Have y'all seen all the cute ideas on Pinterest?  I mean that can get seriously addictive! In our early childhood pd this week we spent some time talking about accountable talk in the classroom. We looked at how we could add it in even in PreK3, PreK4, and kinder classrooms.  It's so fun to be a part of interactive learning and thinking.  Do you use a specific model or schedule to introduce different prompts to scaffold accountable talk in your classroom? In our early childhood classrooms we thought it would be neat if each classroom PreK2- Kinder were working on the same phrase all month long.  This allows kids to get comfortable with using that phrase, hear it modeled over and over again, and any outsider can walk in and be an active participant in discussions using the accountable talk for that month. We built a schedule for a phrase a month.  The teachers will hang that phrase on their board and refer often to it during lessons and discussions. Each month, the phrase will change and they'll add a new phrase to their accountable talk bank of vocabulary.  Here are some pics of the phrase cards to hang in their rooms.

You can click here to download the file of all the phrase cards for the month.

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